FRIENDS / 19th April 2019
How did you get into sleep consultancy? When Alfie was 5 months old we went on the wait list for sleep school. At 6 months we got in and it was LIFE CHANGING. My girlfriend encouraged me to go, because you know, waking up every 45 minutes absolutely breaks you after a few months.. (I know why didn’t I go sooner right? I was crazy)… After the AMAZING results I had after a 4 night stay my instagram followers started messaging me asking for some sleep tips.. low and behold, the tips & info I gave them always worked and I started changing their lives too (according to them)…. i couldn’t keep up with the demand for sleep help so my girlfriend Marissa threw around the idea of us joining forces and studying and opening our own online sleep school after both of our successes & sleep certifications so that is exactly what we did and how Baby Sleep School was born 2 years ago. |
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Why are you so passionate about what you do? It breaks my heart when I see a flat, exhausted mum (family) and baby. Literally hurts me because I feel their pain so much. It is so much more than sleep. When you are sleep deprived everything takes a back seat and slowly yourself, your relationship and your household being to fall apart. What we learnt at sleep school and within our course is so invaluable and something any family can implement so we thought how could we not help people when it is so much easier then people think? I didn’t realise how much sleep deprivation affected my motherhood experience and it didn’t have to be that way and I wanted other parents to know this too.. It can be enjoyable again. You will have a happy baby again. You will have a life outside of your house again. When I pass a crying baby in the shops and a mother who seems lifeless I just want to hug them and make it all better. A little bit of sleep goes a long way. |
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This month we have partnered with Midwife and sleep consultant extraordinaire Amelia Lamont, (aka The Midwife Mumma) to give you sleep deprived parents a helping hand in the snooze department. Amelia is reknowned for her 'magic touch' and her passion for helping bubs and parents around Australia get some well deserved shut eye is second to none. If you missed Amelia's talk at our Chadstone store read more and about Amelia and some handy tips below! |
![]() Tell us a bit about yourself! Where you’re from, how many kids you have etc Tell us a bit about yourself! Where you’re from, how many kids you have etc |
How did you get into sleep consultancy?
When Alfie was 5 months old we went on the wait list for sleep school. At 6 months we got in and it was LIFE CHANGING. My girlfriend encouraged me to go, because you know, waking up every 45 minutes absolutely breaks you after a few months.. (I know why didn’t I go sooner right? I was crazy)… After the AMAZING results I had after a 4 night stay my instagram followers started messaging me asking for some sleep tips.. low and behold, the tips & info I gave them always worked and I started changing their lives too (according to them)…. i couldn’t keep up with the demand for sleep help so my girlfriend Marissa threw around the idea of us joining forces and studying and opening our own online sleep school after both of our successes & sleep certifications so that is exactly what we did and how Baby Sleep School was born 2 years ago.

Impossible to pick one… they are all unique and amazing… Although you can’t beat a patient surprising you and naming their baby after you .. such a beautiful gesture!! I won’t ever forget that… One of the most rewarding things personally for me, is when you are caring for a super upset/distressed patient and you are able to bring them right down to zero and calm them completely. Being in the moment with them is super empowering and our job is to make them feel as safe & comfortable as possible. Support is key and if that means getting on your hands & knees on a wet floor in the shower to provide them security and comfort then we will do it. I will do it. So damn passionate about my job if you can’t tell ha!

OMG YES. Ask for help even if you don’t want too. Don’t downplay your mental health. Go to your GP as often as you need until you feel yourself again. I cannot reiterate this enough… In terms of sleep or lack of, exhaustion amplifies everything SO much more then we realise. Breathe.. you have to remember just how little your newborn is. Do not try & implement a routine straight up just live in the moment and enjoy bub as much as you can. Rest when the baby rests. I don’t say sleep because it is damn hard to just switch off and go to sleep when you are a mumma. Rest can mean a lazy day on the couch with a cuppa & cake.. or some insta stalking for halfa (don’t deny it we all do this).. something to take your mind off the exhaustion for a moment if you can’t sleep ha. WATER. Hydrate as much as you can. Water is so good for the mind, body and soul. Lastly, you won’t feel like it but get outdoors. Walk to your letter box. Sit on the deck. Stroll the block. It doesn’t have to be long just get out of your surroundings for a moment. Even if you take yourself and bub outside and sit on a blanket for 15. Fresh air and vitamin D is priceless. One last thing.. if you get the option to ‘duck’ out while someone can mind the baby do it. It is so easy to loose apart of yourself in motherhood so in all honesty, if grandma says ‘go on ill watch the baby while you go get some bread’.. DO IT!!!! You will thank me later.
Describe one of your best experiences/memories as a midwife?
Impossible to pick one… they are all unique and amazing… Although you can’t beat a patient surprising you and naming their baby after you .. such a beautiful gesture!! I won’t ever forget that… One of the most rewarding things personally for me, is when you are caring for a super upset/distressed patient and you are able to bring them right down to zero and calm them completely. Being in the moment with them is super empowering and our job is to make them feel as safe & comfortable as possible. Support is key and if that means getting on your hands & knees on a wet floor in the shower to provide them security and comfort then we will do it. I will do it. So damn passionate about my job if you can’t tell ha!
Any advice to new Mums who are feeling overwhelmed and like they will never sleep again?
OMG YES. Ask for help even if you don’t want too. Don’t downplay your mental health. Go to your GP as often as you need until you feel yourself again. I cannot reiterate this enough… In terms of sleep or lack of, exhaustion amplifies everything SO much more then we realise. Breathe.. you have to remember just how little your newborn is. Do not try & implement a routine straight up just live in the moment and enjoy bub as much as you can. Rest when the baby rests. I don’t say sleep because it is damn hard to just switch off and go to sleep when you are a mumma. Rest can mean a lazy day on the couch with a cuppa & cake.. or some insta stalking for halfa (don’t deny it we all do this).. something to take your mind off the exhaustion for a moment if you can’t sleep ha. WATER. Hydrate as much as you can. Water is so good for the mind, body and soul. Lastly, you won’t feel like it but get outdoors. Walk to your letter box. Sit on the deck. Stroll the block. It doesn’t have to be long just get out of your surroundings for a moment. Even if you take yourself and bub outside and sit on a blanket for 15. Fresh air and vitamin D is priceless. One last thing.. if you get the option to ‘duck’ out while someone can mind the baby do it. It is so easy to loose apart of yourself in motherhood so in all honesty, if grandma says ‘go on ill watch the baby while you go get some bread’.. DO IT!!!! You will thank me later.
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A zillion zip rompers… Trust me you need them!! I feel these are true to size and they are a good length so bub gets a lot of wear out of them PLUS cotton on kids offer plenty of gender neutral colours. They bubby suit.. I prefer these to singlets as they clip up underneath. The perfect undergarment to any outfit. There are a million towels on the market and the cotton on kids snuggle towel is legit the softest EVER. My kids still have theirs (one for the glory box). The good old dribble bibs.. grab yourself 10 of these.. the best bib & spew rag as it isn’t too big. Sleeping bags.. I always post about their sleeping bags and whenever I post Essie in one of them the comments flood in. They are seriously SO warm & soft.. super cute patterns too. Last but not least their blankets & muslin wraps. Trust me when I say you need to pack at least 6 in your hospital bag. Don’t forget the teeny socks and beanies in your hospital bag either. Their little feet are always cold and they lost heat through their head.
What are some of your favourite products from the Cotton On Baby range?
A zillion zip rompers… Trust me you need them!! I feel these are true to size and they are a good length so bub gets a lot of wear out of them PLUS cotton on kids offer plenty of gender neutral colours. They bubby suit.. I prefer these to singlets as they clip up underneath. The perfect undergarment to any outfit. There are a million towels on the market and the cotton on kids snuggle towel is legit the softest EVER. My kids still have theirs (one for the glory box). The good old dribble bibs.. grab yourself 10 of these.. the best bib & spew rag as it isn’t too big. Sleeping bags.. I always post about their sleeping bags and whenever I post Essie in one of them the comments flood in. They are seriously SO warm & soft.. super cute patterns too. Last but not least their blankets & muslin wraps. Trust me when I say you need to pack at least 6 in your hospital bag. Don’t forget the teeny socks and beanies in your hospital bag either. Their little feet are always cold and they lost heat through their head.
For more you can find Amelia here:
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