How to:

be better at winter

As tempting as it may be to hibernate for ninety days straight, there’s less dramatic ways of dealing with the colder months. Here’s your IRL guide to surviving (and thriving) this season.

[01] Resist the urge to cancel everything. It’s winter. Not the end of the world.
[02] Repeat after us: I will make an effort to not just wear black. [03] Find a friend with a fireplace. Hang out there a lot. [04] Take up a new hobby. Sleeping is not a hobby. [05] Check the daily forecast. Be prepared for the opposite. [06] Tim Tams are an environmentally-friendly alternative to straws. [07] Unless this is your new look, moisturise, moisturise, moisturise. [08] Flannel sheets = your bed wearing pyjamas. [09] Stay active. Your future summer self will thank you. [10] If all else fails, move to Queensland.

Sunshine is a state of mind
Sunshine is a state of mind
Sunshine is a state of mind

Rain, hail or category 5 storm - whatever the weather drama, keep your outlook sunny with cosy roll-neck knits and bright-as-day denim jackets. If you look good, you feel good, right?

5 convo starters other than 'how cold is it?'

1. How’s the surf?
2. Where’s good for coffee?
3. Did you see that doco on Netflix?
4. Dogs or cats?
5. Where’d you get that beanie?*

* The same place I got my winter jacket, cargo joggers, flannel shirt and long sleeve tee - Cotton On ;-)

Don't wear a doona
Do wear real clothes

For best results, mix fluffy jackets, jumpers and trending check prints, then sprinkle with a good dose of denim. Step into a pair of glossy black winter boots and top it all off with winter’s must-have accessory: the baker boy cap.