10 years of empowering women across the globe through quality education. With your simple action in purchasing Cotton On Foundation product, all proceeds will go towards suppirting Bew K'Lar School, in the North-West of Thailand. There are currently 69 students attending classes despite their run down facilities.
10 years of empowering women across the globe through quality education. With your simple action in purchasing Cotton On Foundation product, all proceeds will go towards suppirting Bew K'Lar School, in the North-West of Thailand. There are currently 69 students attending classes despite their run down facilities.
The school is located in a gully, surrounded by hills covered in crops. When it rains, the grounds become extremely muddy, as do the classrooms. The classrooms have limited air flow and the students do not currently have literacy materials in their local language. We are on a mission to build a brand new school to accommodate 200 students.
The school is located in a gully, surrounded by hills covered in crops. When it rains, the grounds become extremely muddy, as do the classrooms. The classrooms have limited air flow and the students do not currently have literacy materials in their local language. We are on a mission to build a brand new school to accommodate 200 students.